Advanced bookings are limited and are not required to get a lane.


Monday 9AM - Friday 6PM
$34 per hour per lane

Monday - Thursday 6PM - close
Saturday & Sunday 9AM - 6PM
$40 per hour per lane

Maximum of 6 bowlers per lane

Shoes $5 | Socks $2

Pricing is subject to change (to weekend prices)
during school vacation breaks and holidays.

Atomic Bowling

Friday, Saturday & Sunday 6PM-close
$48 per hour per lane
*Please note white light bowling from 6PM - 9PM on Sundays due to league play

Sunday Rent-A-Lane

9AM - 12PM $20 Per Hour, Per Lane

Pool Pricing

Mon - Fri 9AM - 5PM $8 Per Hour

Mon - Thur 5PM - close $18 Per Hour

Sat & Sun 9AM - 5PM $18 Per Hour

Fri/Sat/Sun 5PM - close $25 Per Hour

Membership Rates

(League Bowlers)
Bowling Per Game, Per Person
Monday-Friday $2.50
Saturday-Sunday $3

Fill out and submit party reservation form below or Email us or Call Us at 781.324.7120 to book your reservation.


Please note reservation requests are NOT guaranteed unless someone contacts you with confirmation (normally within 24 hours).

*Reservations ARE NOT AVAILABLE during the following times:
Saturdays (November - April) after 4pm and are very limited before 4pm
Saturdays (May - October) after 7pm
Fridays (November - April) after 7:30pm
Tuesday - Thursday (September - March) between 6pm & 9pm